Locks & Ancillary Equipment
Electric Lock Systems:
There is little point installing a door entry or access control system without the right lock system. Locks vary according to door design, levels of security and ultimately your budget.
There is legislation covering locks, usually around Secure by Design.
The link below provides an overview of the legislation to consider if you are a developer, housing association, local authority, health or educational establishment.
If you are a private management company we also advise contacting your insurers to confirm what types of lock is acceptable for the premises.
Security doorsets form part of an integrated site security system. It is important that their performance is considered in conjunction with other aspects of site security such as CCTV, detection systems, door entry & access control systems.
Where necessary, security doorsets and their associated locking hardware should:
• Delay intruders attempting to penetrate the doorset in order to enter the protected building/area (resistance to forced entry);
• At minimum, resist the creation of a full-body access aperture through the fabric of the leaf. (see above link for more information)
• Prevent undetected entry into the protected area
• Allow safe egress from the protected building/area in an emergency while preventing unauthorised entry;
• Comply with relevant Building Regulations; e.g. those relating to fire, safety under impact and mobility;
• Be suitably durable and maintainable;
• Be securely installed within compatible structures. This is because a security doorset installed into a weaker ‘incompatible’ structure may:
- Fail to prevent unauthorised entry. For example, it may be possible for an intruder to remove the doorset from the surrounding structure or penetrate the surrounding structure in order to operate door release mechanisms located on the protected side of the doorset;
- Lead to structural damage. For example, if a doorset incorporating a heavy door leaf is fitted within a lightweight partition, the surrounding partition may crack due to door leaf opening
- and closing repeatedly causing fatigue fractures of the walling material. In some cases, the fixings holding the doorset within the wall may also fail.
SAL can offer advice on the various locks available; however the best information will come from a combination of advice using the door manufacture, your local SBD advisor and us.
Push Release Buttons: (PTB)
The means of exiting through a door must always be considered.
When using a reader for entry, then also consider the position of the override emergency exit button. This should be installed in accordance with fire egress requirements.
Push button request to exit switches should be positioned to suit both able and disabled users.
The design of PTB’s can range from a simple flush press-button to a large hi-viz unit suitable for persons with limited mobility or visability.
SAL can advise on the most suitable PTB and its location. We can also integrate with Fire Alarm/Door Automation to ensure the system is fully compliant with applicable legislation.
Contact us for free advice and a quote
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01843 865673
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